Zonta offering Life Forward empowerment workshop

Press release

News release  

The Life Forward program, presented by the Zonta Club of the Santa Clarita Valley, offers monthly skill-building workshops that concentrate on topics useful to women of varying ages and interests. These include job search and application topics, parenting, self-care and financial education. Subject matter experts provide their expertise, knowledge and skills to promote empowerment and self-sufficiency. 

The next workshop, featuring Tracy Taris, a licensed marriage and family therapist, is scheduled  

10 a.m. Saturday via Zoom. To register in advance, visit bit.ly/2XQDDFc

Taris is president and owner of Healing the Mind & Spirit Inc., where she leads a team of counselors. Her group practice is located here in the SCV where psychotherapy services are provided in the form of couples, family, individual, adolescent and child therapy as well as coaching services that cover a variety of topics including creative blocks, nutritional problems and women’s issues.  

Tracy Taris

Taris is also a contract therapist for College of The Canyons’ Student Health and Wellness Center, providing therapy to students at COC. 

In this workshop you will learn about personal and relationship boundaries, tools to develop them and to address boundary violations, and how to honor yourself with self-care in relationships. 

For more information, visit scvzonta.org/LifeForward or call 661-252-9351. 

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