Re: Lynn Wright, “Trump, Garcia and Putin,” letters, March 9.
I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise, based on some of his other ramblings on here, but once again Mr. Wright makes accusations against Rep. Mike Garcia that a simple online search quickly debunks.
Headline from the Antelope Valley News: “AV legislators condemn storm on U.S. Capitol.”
The AV Times Staff story published Jan. 6, 2021, reads, in part: “As supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol Wednesday, Antelope Valley congressional representatives denounced the violence. ‘This is not the American way. This is not who we are. We must return to democratic discussion and debate, not violence and lawlessness,’ tweeted Rep. Mike Garcia of California’s 25th Congressional District.”
In this great country we are all allowed to disagree with each other and also with our elected government representatives, but responsible adults normally make at least a semblance of an honest effort to be accurate when condemning others in public.
Mr. Wright, do your homework and learn some manners.
Rick Barker