“It’s just to flatten the curve.” “It’s just for two weeks.” “It’s just a few more months.” “It’s just another year.” “It’s just a mask.” “It’s just non-essential businesses.” “It’s just bars, gyms and salons.” “It’s just to keep from overwhelming hospitals.” “It’s just until the case numbers drop.”
“It’s just a temporary lockdown.” “It’s just to keep you safe.” “It’s just to keep others from being afraid.” “It’s just for large gatherings.”
“It’s just a phone app.” “It’s just to let you know you’ve been exposed.” “It’s just to let others know you’re safe to be around.” “It’s just so you won’t lose your job.” “It’s just for the greater good.”
“It’s just a vaccine.” “It’s just a booster…and then another.” “It’s just for the vulnerable.” “It’s just for everyone regardless of their antibodies or immune system.” “It’s just experimental gene therapy.” “It’s just a microchip.” “It’s just ‘the science.’”
“It’s just a vaccination certificate.” “It’s just like a credit card.” “It’s just so you can travel.” “It’s just so you can get your driver’s license.” “It’s just so you can open a bank account.” “It’s just so you can vote.” “It’s just because people aren’t smart enough to make their own decisions.” “It’s just a data coding error.” It’s just a different directive from the Centers for Disease Control.” “It’s just another mandate.” “It’s just dishonest bureaucrats.”
“It’s just so hospitals can get paid enough to survive.” “It’s just another falsified death certificate.” “It’s just another censored doctor.” “It’s just a huge assault on your constitutional rights.” “It’s just The New World Order.” “It’s just time to take out these tyrannical dictators!”
We American citizens have lost control. We no longer have government of the people, by the people and for the people. We now have government of the elites, by the elites and for the elites. Preferences of the powerful have replaced preferences of the people.
We see it when celebrities mill around maskless while servers at their Hollywood banquets have to cover their faces. We see it when elected officials give themselves pay raises while families across America lose small businesses and farms to bureaucratic overreach, mismanaged water supplies and ever-increasing fuel and food prices. We see it when barbed wire and soldiers surround the Capitol, but a quarter billion dollars’ worth of steel lies rusting north of our southern border.
The majority of citizens favor voter identification and secure elections managed by the states (as per the Constitution), yet the current Democrat-controlled Congress wants to bring voting procedures under total control of the federal government, prohibit voter ID requirements and weaken the integrity of the election process.
The majority of citizens favor secure borders, yet the Joe Biden administration unilaterally opened the southern border. They not only encouraged an invasion of hundreds of thousands, threatening the security of our nation, but they are also flying and busing undocumented foreigners all over the nation… at YOUR expense.
The majority of citizens favor law and order, and yet the leftist leadership of many large cities and certain states are purposefully undermining law enforcement and criminal justice.
The majority of citizens favor energy independence, which the nation finally achieved under the Donald Trump administration, and yet Joe Biden unilaterally took actions to shut down domestic fossil fuel production and significantly increase our dependence on foreign energy.
The majority of citizens want their elected representatives to be fiscally responsible, and yet they continue to increase spending and waste taxpayer money on raises for themselves, self-serving or frivolous projects and overlapping, unaccountable bureaucracies. Have fun looking around at bit.ly/GovtWaste2021 or visit Citizens Against Government Waste (www.cagw.org).
The majority of citizens favor a strong military as a deterrent against aggression from hostile countries. And yet we’re seeing a decrease in readiness due to the president’s vaccine mandate for these healthy men and women. As of March 2022, more than 2,000 troops across all branches of service have been terminated for refusing the vaccine, and those numbers will certainly go up! (Please note that “Comirnaty,” the only FDA-approved COVID vaccine, is not available on any U.S. military installation in America or overseas.)
The majority of parents want their children in school, not in front of a computer. At the same time, they want to know what their youngsters are actually learning in public school. The California Department of Public Health, reports that the COVID death rate for those 17 and younger is 0.0% How long has it taken for that number to be disclosed and considered when it comes to school policy?
What else do you think should be listed as an example of government indifference or contempt? It’s clear our elected officials at many levels are not living up to expectations, and some demonstrate blatant disregard for citizens’ needs and for the Constitution itself.
As we approach mid-term elections, it’s more important than ever to remember — Elections Have Consequences!
“Those who have the privilege to know have the duty to act.” – Albert Einstein
Patricia Suzanne is a professional writer, retired small business owner, and conservative Republican activist. She is determined to Make California Golden Again by waking up one voter at a time to embrace conservative values and pressure legislators to restore constitutional freedoms.