Dodgers pitcher and Santa Clarita native Trevor Bauer released a video on his YouTube channel on Thursday that he says was recorded the morning following a sexual encounter with a woman who later accused him of sexual assault.
The video appears to be taken by Lindsey Hill and shows her filming herself while Bauer is asleep next to her. Hill does not appear to have any injuries in the clip.
Before the clip is shown, the video posted by Bauer includes text saying: “These are direct quotes Lindsey Hill made under penalty of perjury: ‘Trevor then punched me hard with a closed fist to the left side of my jaw, the left side of my head, and both cheek bones… I had a terrible pain behind both of my ears. I tasted blood in my mouth and felt that my lip was split open.”
The clip in the video then zooms in on her lips, which appear to have no such injuries. The video also stated that Hill said she “was focused on leaving… I just wanted to get out of the house.”
Bauer sued Hill for defamation following a court decision denying Hill’s request for a restraining order last year, which was then followed by an announcement by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office that no criminal charges were to be brought against Bauer.
In August, Hill countersued, reiterating earlier claims that Bauer punched and choked her without her consent during two rough sexual encounters in 2021. Bauer has vehemently denied Hill’s accusations, saying the encounters were entirely consensual.
Following the clip allegedly taken by Hill, the video adds text saying that during the restraining order proceeding Hill “was ordered to turn over all pictures and videos relevant to Mr. Bauer” and that this video was not turned over.
In the motion to dismiss Hill’s countersuit, Bauer’s attorneys said the video was proof of Bauer’s innocence.
“While the parties had every opportunity to engage in discovery, it has come to light that Ms. Hill improperly withheld evidence in the DVRO Proceeding… that further exonerates Mr. Bauer. The Pasadena Police Department recently produced a videotape that Ms. Hill took of herself shortly after the May 16, 2021, encounter where she appears to be willingly in bed with a sleeping Mr. Bauer, and is smirking and uninjured,” the motion says.
Bauer’s attorney’s, Shawn Holley and Jon Fetterolf, released a statement in August that read, “Lindsey Hill’s claims were judicially disproven last August following a hearing regarding a DVRO petition filed in bad faith. She ‘materially misled’ the court and could not meet the lowest burden of proof in our justice system — because her claims were false… Her countersuit is a regurgitation of her judicially disproven claims and yet another attempt by Ms. Hill to defame Mr. Bauer and seek to profit from her lies.”
Melanie Wadden, vice president of Berk Communications – the public relations company handling inquiries regarding Bauer’s case, said the video is definitely from the morning following the alleged assault.
“To avoid any possible confusion, it is without dispute that the video taken by Ms. Hill that was included in Mr. Bauer’s Sept. 13 court filing as part of a motion to dismiss her counterclaim was in fact taken the morning of Sunday, May 16, 2021 – which would be the morning of their second encounter,” said Wadden.
Following Hill’s allegations last year, Bauer spent the remainder of the 2021 season on administrative leave before being formally suspended for 324 games in April, making it the harshest sentence applied under Major League Baseball’s domestic violence policy. Major League Baseball does have the authority to extend this suspension — which would last long past the expiration of his three-year, $102 million contract with the Dodgers.