Ron Bischof | Garcia Best Represents 27th

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

In a letter to the editor published Feb. 20, 2020 in this publication, I wrote: “Mike best represents our values of a limited federal government of enumerated powers, individual rights recognized by our Constitution, originalist/contextualist judicial appointments, fiscal restraint and strong national and border security.” 

Based on Rep. Garcia’s record since his two electoral wins in 2020, this has proven to be correct. 

Upon swearing his oath of office, he and his congressional field staff immediately went to work resolving hundreds of constituent service cases left open by his resigned predecessor. The congressman also instituted “Saturdays of Service,” organizing local volunteers for events including blood drives, donations to food banks, community cleanups, holiday toy drives for children in need, etc. 

During the pandemic, Rep. Garcia demonstrated leadership by directly assisting local businesses to receive PPP loans and other support to keep their businesses from closing due to government-mandated shutdowns and restrictions. And he supported reopening our local schools as soon as the health data reflected it was safe for our kids.

Recently, at an in-person town hall meeting open to all at College of the Canyons Performing Arts Center that I and more than 200 attended, Mike gave a district and legislative update, and subsequently took close to an hour of open questions directly from constituents. It was an impressive demonstration of his command of the facts, detailed explanations of legislation/votes, and plans to address important issues like inflation and the government spending that drives it, the uptick in local crime, and a plan recommended by law enforcement professionals to increase school safety. 

According to an October 2022 Monmouth poll, Garcia addressed the most important issues to voters in the upcoming November midterm election. 

Polling this year has consistently predicted Republicans will regain the majority in the House to change the direction of the country. This is because the current Democratic leadership isn’t focused on what matters to most voters. 

As a member of the next House majority, Congressman Garcia will be an even more effective advocate for the newly drawn 27th District. 

Vote to re-elect Rep. Mike Garcia when you receive your ballot.

Ron Bischof


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