Paranormal festival scheduled March 31-April 1 

Press release

News release 

Parapod Festival is scheduled March 31 and April 1 to bring a two-day celebration of the paranormal to the Santa Clarita Valley, with events at Mentryville and the Hyatt Regency Valencia.  

“Although paranormal content is abundant with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of views, we never really see these creators – podcasters, investigators, filmmakers – being honored,” festival director Tony Sweet, who hosts the video podcast “Truth Be Told Paranormal,” said in a prepared statement. “That is why I wanted to develop a platform where all forms of paranormal content could be celebrated.” 

The Parapod Festival’s Friday events will feature a daytime ghost investigation of a real-life oil-boom ghost town, an evening of stargazing with television host Ben Hansen (“Fact or Faked Paranormal Files”), and a nighttime tour of the allegedly haunted Mentry mansion with the White Witch of Hollywood Patti Negri. Saturday’s events will include guest lectures, panels and workshops, a vendor marketplace, and the exclusive Parapod Awards, a ceremony to honor paranormal content creators such as podcasters, documentary filmmakers and established media personalities. 

City Councilwoman Marsha McLean will officiate the ribbon-cutting for the grand opening of Parapod Fest, presenting certificates from the city to all event speakers. 

The master of ceremonies for the Parapod Festival will be Jimmy Church, host of the “Fade to Black” podcast. Best-selling author, research scientist, producer and entrepreneurial impresario Billy Carson (“4biddenknowledge with Billy Carson”) will receive the festival’s Pioneer Award, and Emmy and Peabody Award-winning investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe (“Ancient Aliens,” “Truth Hunter”) will be receiving the festival’s Media Legend Award.  

Tickets to the Parapod Festival start at $25 for individual events at Mentryville; Saturday’s general admission is $35, and the VIP Weekend Pass includes all events on both days for $175. Parking at both locations is free. For more information about the festival and to purchase tickets, visit  

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