Zonta offers Young Women in Public Affairs Awards

Press release

News release  

The Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley is offering Young Women in Public Affairs Awards to three outstanding young women. Three winning applicants who attend local high schools or colleges and are 16-19 years of age on April 1 will receive up to $1,000 each.  

The first-place winner will progress to Zonta’s District 9 for a potential $5,000 award and recognition by Zonta International. 

Zonta International believes that young women are the key to women’s advancement in the field of public service, according to a statement released by Zonta of SCV. The YWPA Award recognizes young women ages 16-19 for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue participation in public and political life. 

The Inter-Parliamentary Union, a global organization of national parliaments, shows 26.4% global percentage of women in parliament. The organization works to establish democracy, peace and cooperation among peoples. Women members demonstrate political leadership by working across party lines through parliamentary women’s caucuses — even in the most politically combative environments — and by championing issues of gender equality, such as the elimination of gender-based violence, parental leave and child care, pensions, gender-equality laws, and electoral reform, the statement from Zonta said. 

U.S. 2022 census data shows a population of 50.47 % women and 49.5% males. However, the nationwide 2022 General Parity Index increased by only 0.2%, to 26.8%. This GPI score reflects women’s recent electoral successes at the local, state and national levels. As of June 2022, there were 28% women in U.S. Congress. 

Applicants who demonstrate evidence of the following are eligible to apply:  

• Active commitment to volunteerism. 

• Experience in local government, student government, or workplace leadership (paid or unpaid). 

• Volunteer leadership achievements. 

• Knowledge of Zonta International and its programs. 

• Support in Zonta International’s mission of empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. 

Applications, available at www.zontascv.org, must be completed and returned to the Zonta Club of SCV by Feb. 24 via email at [email protected]. or mail to 23742 Lyons Ave, No. 220117, Newhall, CA 91322.   

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