Stanford research center lauds iLEAD as reading ‘Gap Buster’

Press release

News release  

Stanford University’s Center for Research on Education Outcomes recently released a study that reports charter public schools are outperforming traditional public schools in California as well as nationwide, according to the California Charter Schools Association. 

The study singled out the locally founded iLEAD Public Charter School Network as one of three reading “Gap Buster” charter school networks statewide. 

Titled “As a Matter of Fact: The National Charter School Study 2023,” the study tracks charter school performance from 2014 to 2019, and follows two previous similar studies released in 2009 and 2013.  

Some of the study’s findings include: 

  • Charter public school students consistently are showing greater academic gains than their peers in traditional public schools across the nation. 
  • In California, while students entering charter schools are more likely to be low-performing than their traditional public-school peers, they go on to achieve stronger gains. 
  • California charter public school students are gaining, on average, the equivalent of 11 days of reading and four days of math compared to similar students in traditional public schools. 
  • For historically underserved students in California, students experiencing poverty gained four-plus weeks in reading and three-plus weeks in math. Black students gained five-plus weeks in reading and three-plus weeks in math. And, Latino students gained six-plus weeks in reading and four-plus weeks in math. 

The iLEAD Public Charter School Network, with Castaic-based founding school SCVi (Santa Clarita Valley International), was one of just three charter school networks statewide mentioned by name in the study as an opportunity “gap buster” in reading. 

Amanda Fischer, CEO of iLEAD, received a personal congratulatory email from CCSA Leadership on her charter school network’s honor.  

“While we’re proud of this recognition, it doesn’t surprise me,” she said in a prepared statement. “At iLEAD, we focus on personalized learning so that EVERY learner has an individualized plan and receives personalized attention. This is how we are able to meet the needs of every child and fill those gaps.” 

In addition to SCVi, iLEAD operates schools in Lancaster and Agua Dulce, as well as iLEAD Online (TK-12), and iLEAD Hybrid, which offers hybrid and home-study TK-12 options throughout Southern California along with studio campuses in Orange County and Lancaster. 

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