UNGUNN provides less lethal option for protection 

UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite demonstrating how to safely use the non-lethal Byrna Pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite demonstrating how to safely use the non-lethal Byrna Pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

Curt Waite was introduced to Byrna, a less lethal weapon established with the mission to save lives, after his English Mastiff had been attacked by a Rottweiler in his front yard.  

Waite’s English Mastiff was left needing over 100 stitches.   

In a situation where his dog, a loved one or himself becomes vulnerable to an attack, he wanted to be ready to protect.  

UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite demonstrating how to safely use the non-lethal Byrna Pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite demonstrating how to safely use the non-lethal Byrna Pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

“The Byrna looks like a gun, acts like a gun, without those consequences,” said Waite.  

Waite made his purchase and made sure to have it on him for his walks from then on.  

“As I started talking to people on the walk, they started asking me about it,” said Waite.  

UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite demonstrating how to safely load the non-lethal Byrna Pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite demonstrating how to safely load the non-lethal Byrna Pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

With a clear expression of interest, Waite decided to take the product that changed his life and become a dealer for it.  

He sold them out of his home for a year and a half before finally opening his storefront, UNGUNN.  

UNGUNN, located at 28048 Bouquet Canyon Road, opened its doors in early September selling Byrna pistol launchers, rifle launchers, conceal carry purses and other various products.  

UNGUNN conducts a madatory two hour course in the store's location where customers learn how to safely handle a Byna pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
UNGUNN conducts a madatory two hour course in the store’s location where customers learn how to safely handle a Byna pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

They also offer training classes that are approximately two hours in which attendees can learn how to properly use the weapon and practice at the indoor shooting range.   

“They love having it,” said Waite. “They feel confident about it and they know, ‘I can shoot somebody, I’m not going to kill them and I’m gonna be OK.’” 

Waite is a retired San Fernando police officer and, from firsthand experience, understands the responses of Sheriff’s Department and other law enforcement personnel. More specifically, how they unfortunately cannot be everywhere all at once.  

UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite posing with a Byrna pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
UNGUNN CEO Curt Waite posing with a Byrna pistol launcher. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

He said that the Byrna allows for people to protect themselves or loved ones in an instant and serves as a way to get out of the situation at hand.  

“It’s not for you to stick around and keep shooting them, (it’s) for you to get out of harm’s way,” said Waite. 

A typical handgun has approximately 35 parts, according to Byrna.com, whereas the Byrna consists of 110 parts.  

UNGUNN storefront located on Bouquet Canyon Road. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal
UNGUNN storefront located on Bouquet Canyon Road. Katherine Quezada/ The Signal

“The Byrna Launcher fires a kinetic (hard plastic) or pepper ball using CO2,” wrote UNGUNN’s website. “The projectiles are .68 caliber and reach 300 feet per second.”  

It is not considered a firearm, so no permits, background checks or licenses are required to buy one. (The pepper ball rounds are not available in California.) 

“If you shoot somebody with this, the fight is gone out of them,” said Waite.  

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