News release
In celebration of Zonta leadership in the Santa Clarita Valley, 10 past presidents of the Zonta Club of Santa Clarita Valley hosted the installation of officers and directors for the 2024-26 biennium on May 20 at the patio of Salt Creek Grille in Valencia.
The event focused on the gardening passion of incoming President Beth Ryan, with the theme “Growing Our Zonta Garden.” The room was festooned with massive bunches of vegetable-themed balloons and centerpieces of colorful watering cans filled with fresh flowers.
Special guests included Zonta Past International President Sharon Langenbeck, Zonta International District 9 lieutenant governor and governor-elect, Gloria Salas, and international director and area-director-elect, Britt Vaughan. They joined 50 members, guests and friends to witness the installation of the incoming officers and directors, foundation trustees and the nominating committee.
The first order of business was to celebrate and thank outgoing President Nicole Miller, who was presented with an engraved crystal vase and the past president’s pin. She was also awarded certificates of accomplishment from city, county and state governments.
“Under her leadership, our club has become known for our Z Clubs and Golden Z in local schools,” the club said in a news release. “Nicole shared her thoughts about her presidency and her speech was met with a standing ovation and many minutes of applause.”
The Zontian of the Year Award was given by the three most recent recipients, Fran Fiel, Cindy Kittle and Cherise Moore. They surprised the crowd by veering from tradition and presented this honor to Miller, the only time a president had ever been named.
Langenbeck stepped forward as installing officer and asked the incoming foundation trustees, the nominating committee, and the club directors and officers to be sworn in. Each was given a garden-themed gift as a memento. Finally, the new president, Beth Ryan, was brought forward and sworn in.
“Beth, you have been elected as our president, and all the other past presidents are here to support you in your strategic plans,” Langenbeck said, according to the release. “You are our master gardener. They train and develop other gardeners … We know you will nurture our club members.”
She presented Ryan with a gardening set, gloves and packets of seeds to symbolize her responsibilities. Finally, Miller presented Ryan with the president’s pin and gavel of leadership.
Ryan then shared her vision for the future of the club and the final half-year of the club’s Golden Anniversary. She announced her theme for the biennium as “Every Opportunity is Golden.”
For more information about the Zonta Club of SCV, go to