I believe Donald Trump was dealt with unfairly in the “Hush Money” case, but not because of the way our justice system works. No. He was dealt with unfairly because of how our scheduling of crimes works. The analogy I will use is that of marijuana and Congress’ and the Drug Enforcement Administraion’s Schedule of Controlled Substances.
Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I substance, right up there with heroin, crack cocaine, crystal meth, PCP and LSD, which is absurd and ludicrous. The fact that what Trump was charged with, tried for, and convicted of is classified as a felony (in the same general category as first degree murder, rape, aggravated assault and armed robbery) is likewise absurd and ludicrous.
It should, at worst, be a misdemeanor, all things considered.
I think it’s fair to say that our classification of crimes is somewhat subjective in that it is subject to change based on the social mores of the times. If Trump were to commit these acts some 10 years from now they may not be considered crimes at all, but merely violations of “policy” and/or “decorum.”
I’m not saying what he did was right, just that he’s being keel hauled for what amounts to jaywalking, and that’s not justice. It’s “cruel and unusual,” and in retrospect we might conclude that we went too far — mainly because some of us made it political and even personal — and although I do not condone revenge, I do expect there will be some form of retribution. Karma has a taste for those who are malicious.
Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita