Of the William S. Hart Union High School District, only 63% of the students were proficient in English, 47% in math, and 44% in science. Suppose 37% of The Signal’s staff writers couldn’t spell or put together a proper sentence? What if 53% of all IRS agents couldn’t add a column of deductions? What would one say if 54% of our rocket launches blew up, killing all astronauts aboard? How could anyone celebrate such a record?
Why are our kids muddling through life? They learn from two primary sources: school and parents. It’s easy to blame the schools, but how many students are from single-parent homes? How many moms read to their kids? How many dads go to their progeny’s school plays? Then again, schools take off innumerable holidays and all summer. In some cases homework is looked down upon. One could argue that teaching is a part-time job.
Its is tuff queston. I hop ouir litl ones figger out how too file out the employmnt applkations good. We kant havem linin at home fore evr!
Bill Lyons
Santa Clarita