Nice job Signal for perpetuating the false narrative of FEMA and the money spent on immigrants.
I am not denying over the past few years that money has been spent on immigrants crossing the border, but the money spent was allocated by Congress for this issue and disaster assistance comes from a different funding source.
Republican governors and state leaders have even decried these rumors and falsehoods because they are hindering the truth about what is actually happening on the ground and the assistance and recovery effort.
Leadership has been shown by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and this administration in this matter, and they have been complimented on this by Republican governors.
Trump did visit Georgia, which took away first responders from their recovery efforts, so he could turn his visit into a political event.
Republicans and their presidential candidate have shown their total disregard for facts and are more than willing to demonize immigrants, lie for their own political gain and do not want to solve the immigration issue.
Brian Barry