Matt Graham | Is This a Conflict? 

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

How does the editorial board endorse Holly Schroeder for (Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency) without acknowledging her glaring conflict of interest? Schroeder became executive of external affairs for DrinkPAK last year. This an SCV-based company dependent on municipal water to operate. They are using (a large amount) of water a day and shipping across the western U.S. Is our city in position to be exporting water? What is her interest in the position? Any journalists on your payroll?

Matt Graham


Editor’s note: As it happens, Holly Schroeder did not win the election for the water board seat. However, we obtained the following statement from SCV Water regarding the assertions in Mr. Graham’s letter: “SCV Water does not provide customer use information but can confirm that DrinkPAK is one of its larger customers. With that said, the agency is not aware of any reason why Ms. Schroeder would not be allowed to serve on the SCV Water board of directors if elected.”

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