Today’s world is filled with negative energies permeating our minds, bodies and souls. News media feeds us with worldly events of terror: wars, manslaughter, murders, and a host of current ungodly mayhem. The entertainment industry senses the public’s appetite for drama and feeds us the same. James Van Praagh, the medium and author of the book “Ghosts Among Us,” senses that “our nation’s collective negative thoughts and emotions are continually fed through our negativity, including negative forms of entertainment. Violent movies, television shows, and music that exaggerate people’s fears and cruel behavior may seem exciting, but they only exacerbate the baser thoughts of society.”
Image creators find promoting negative images more profitable than creating positive images. Unfortunately, as they become embedded in our thought forms, negative energy eventually creates a pathological society … a society afraid of itself.
Gerald Staack
Former Santa Clarita resident
Wilmington, North Carolina