Question: Hi Robert, we are planning a remodel for our kitchen, likely early next year. For now, we are in the planning stages and entertaining the idea of moving our kitchen sink over to an island that we will incorporate into the design. The question is, can we move plumbing from a wall to an island when we are on a concrete slab foundation?
I’ve heard of this being done but don’t know what the process is. I am interested in possibly attempting this remodel on my own since I do have experience in some framing and general repairs, and also have some great resources to turn to for help. I think this plumbing move is my greatest fear, but I’d like to see about doing it. Thanks for your help.
– Jimmy B.
Answer: Jimmy, this will be a good project, especially if you can take your time and move through it with caution. Yes, you can move plumbing through a concrete slab, but remember that you must get Building and Safety involved due to the sewer system and venting.
First, be certain that there is nothing installed in that slab, such as radiant heat tubes for heated floors. Once you have your design set for your cabinets and precisely where this kitchen sink will go, you’ll know where the plumbing will need to come up out of the slab. Be sure you are accounting for everything needed, such as venting for dishwasher, water lines and anything else, such as electrical.
This is one of those, “measure twice and cut once” situations. Plan out everything first, then work with the kitchen designers at the big box stores. They are great – you can sit with them for a fee, and they will design your whole kitchen after measuring for you. Whether or not you go with them, you still have great plans to work with and you’ll know precisely where the plumbing needs to be.
This is when you move on to the cutting of the concrete and subsequent installations. You said you have great resources – I highly recommend recruiting them for a hand, when it comes down to doing this work. Two heads are better than one – it always helps when you’re taking on something new like this. Best of luck!
Robert Lamoureux has more than 40 years of experience as a general contractor, with separate licenses in electrical and plumbing contracting. He owns IMS Construction Inc. in Valencia. His opinions are his own, not necessarily those of The Signal. Opinions expressed in this column are not meant to replace the recommendations of a qualified contractor after that contractor has made a thorough visual inspection. Email questions to Robert at [email protected].