Grandparents are invited to Valencia Hills’ ‘Grandparenting Summit’ 


For the first time in what is hoped to be an annual event, Valencia Hills Community Church is hosting the Legacy Grandparenting Summit on Feb. 21 and 22, which, according to Mike Broyles, associate pastor at Valencia Hills, is geared toward empowering grandparents to guide their families in their spiritual lives. 

The summit is a simulcast event that comes from the Legacy Coalition, a group based out of Little Rock, Arkansas, that helps grandparents have greater spiritual impact on their families. The program is scheduled to take place from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 21, and 8 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 22, at Valencia Hills Community Church on Avenue Stanford in Valencia. 

“It’s geared, obviously, toward grandparents,” Broyles said in a recent telephone interview. “This is for grandparents who want to make a difference with their grandchildren, in other words, being an intentional grandparent spiritually, to influence their grandchildren in a spiritual way.” 

The summit will host nine speakers, including the daughter of the late Billy Graham, Anne Graham Lotz, and Graham’s granddaughter, Rachel-Ruth Wright. It will also include a workshop on unity, another on biblical verses and one on grandparenting wisdom.  

Broyes said he’s coming to the Legacy Grandparenting Summit as a learner. 

“Personally, I have seven grandkids,” he said. “I’m an active grandparent with our son, Dan, and he has two boys, 17 and 20. And then we have five grandkids that live overseas in Asia. We hope we’ll walk out of the event better people and better grandparents, to influence our kids spiritually for the next generation.” 

The summit will include time for participants to break out into groups to discuss ideas shared in the simulcast. Broyles said he’d be facilitating the conversations, asking people how they can apply what they’ve learned to their lives and their families. 

Broyles is hopeful that the summit will be a success, adding that he thinks it’ll grow at Valencia Hills in the coming years. He said about 150 host churches nationwide will also be taking part in the program. 

For more information about the Legacy Grandparenting Summit, go to 

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