SUSD set to discuss behavior challenges   

The Saugus Union School District office. Dan Watson/The Signal
The Saugus Union School District office. Dan Watson/The Signal

The Saugus Union School District governing board is scheduled Wednesday to discuss behavior challenges that staff members say have become a disturbance to teaching.   

Student behavior has become a nationwide issue that all schools and districts have been facing, according to the special meeting agenda. Some of the behaviors the district will be discussing include: when students are destructive or throw disruptive tantrums; throwing objects; using profanity toward teachers and staff; and running away from school or class.  

“When we were out on digital learning, social-emotional learning was the very first major piece that we focused on including in our digital program,” said Superintendent Colleen Hawkins, “because we recognized as an organization that kids were going to struggle with the (COVID-19) pandemic.” 

According to the agenda, during the 2023-2024 school year, the district asked for Keenan Associates to complete a review of the district’s responses to student behaviors.  

The review provided the district with five specific recommendations that included the development of a three-year plan. The three-year plan was created based on the findings from the report and presented to the board on June 25, 2024, according to the agenda. The district is currently in year one of the three-year cycle.  

“We used that document to create this three-year plan that was shared with the board several months ago,” Hawkins said. “We have been working on many aspects of it but there are pieces that need to be worked on. It is not a state-required plan, it is not an Education Code-required plan — this is the plan we put together to address the recommendations found in the document and when I hear comments from staff on what we need to do, all of that is part of the plan.” 

The agenda states that leadership will be providing information on the definition of behavior, legal limitations and regulations surrounding discipline, research-based responses to both prevent and correct behaviors, and the district’s current response to this challenging issue. The board will engage in question-and-answer activity with panel staff following each section of the presentation. 

Wednesday’s special meeting is set to begin at 5:30 p.m. at Bridgeport Elementary School, located at 23670 Newhall Ranch Road.  

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