Editor’s Letter – Send in Your Stories

(l to r) Eva Piccolo, Grace Elliott and Jack Elliott of Saugus.

Organizing and publishing a daily newspaper takes a lot of work. We also have several special publications throughout the year. Now with the completion of the “Best of 2016” publication, some of us can take a little break and play catch-up with other things.

We are a small town paper and many of us wear many hats and work long hours.  We’re working hard to bring you the latest information about what’s going on, not only in our community, but nationally as well.

The Our Community section has always been my favorite. I always enjoy reading the submissions from our community members. Please continue sending them to us. Stories of your childhood, your children, grandchildren or life experiences, etc. are always welcome. Don’t worry if you’re not a writer, I’m certainly not, but we can help. 500 words or less should do it, and we do love photos. Please, whenever contacting us, include your name and contact information.

And a big ‘thank you’ to Grace and Jack Elliott of Saugus who recently stopped by to say ‘hello’ and brought us some yummy cookies!

Have a great week!

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