On Nov. 8 I will vote to re-elect TimBen Boydston and to elect Alan Ferdman to the Santa Clarita City Council. Here’s why.
Council members should be accessible, responsive and accountable to the people. TimBen has been a stand-out in this regard.
He has been a champion for constituents on many issues, including the effort to stop installation of unsightly digital billboards and the protection of homeowners from a proposed deep-well injection project.
Council members must address the big issues including traffic management, public safety and financial stability. TimBen was instrumental in the widening of the Golden Valley Road Bridge. He supports efforts to build a new Sheriff’s Station. And TimBen has challenged expenditures that he believes were inappropriate.
In response to issues that he felt were insufficiently addressed, TimBen fought for revisions to an ordinance that would prevent those on fixed incomes, including seniors, from being priced out of their homes.
He pushed for a new community center in Canyon Country and a new library for the Saugus community — projects that are now moving forward.
He continues to lobby for the creation of a desperately needed transitional care unit that would allow patients to recuperate near their families after discharge from the hospital.
TimBen Boydston listens to the people and does his homework. But his efforts are frequently squelched by those committed to the status quo.
That leads me to my support for Alan Ferdman.
Alan has been an active community member for years. He offers the same work ethic as TimBen.
At a time when new ideas and new skill sets are crucial to managing our ongoing growth, Alan Ferdman will bring both to the council.
I urge you to vote for TimBen Boydston and Alan Ferdman on Nov. 8.