Just for today
I’ll try to look my very best,
Put on makeup and be well dressed
Perhaps I’ll even relax and rest
Stop analyzing
Stop agonizing
Feeling unaccomplished and such
Feeling sorry for myself so much
Calm and focused I shall stay
And won’t let others ruin my day
I’ll laugh a lot and in my own way
Spread love and continue to play,
Just for today I’ll be no more
Too busy and ignore
The ones I love to my core,
For only with them I soar,
Today I’ll listen to a new song
I won’t feel stuck and move on
Know that I belong
Remember that I’m strong
So just for today I’ll sit in the sun
Maybe smile more and have fun,
Find time to paint and write
Engage only with what brings me delight
Create, love and explore
That’s what my life is for,
Just for today I’ll be good to myself
If not me, then who else?