Eli Branden: Many concerns linger over Newhall Ranch

SCV Voices: Guest Commentary
SCV Voices: Guest Commentary

The Newhall Ranch Project that was recently approved by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors is a development made up of 21,000 homes slated to be built alongside the Santa Clara River in the northwestern portion of the Santa Clarita Valley.

There have been many concerns regarding the impact this project will have on the environment, air quality, water accessibility, traffic and greenhouse gases.

Consequently, there have been many legal challenges against it from environmental groups and others. The courts have struck down many of those cases that would have halted the project, but regardless, the battles go on.

Those who will live in the new residential development will be subject to greater air pollution from the increased traffic and the expansion of the nearby landfill. There is a health concern regarding the fact that a new school will be built less than 500 feet from the landfill.

Air pollution levels in the area are already considered unacceptable even before the building of Newhall Ranch has begun. The developers have addressed the inevitable increase in greenhouse gases by directing the placement of solar panels on the new roofs and electric charging stations in the new garages to encourage the purchase of electric cars, but some environmental authorities say these greenhouse gas remedies to be minimal at best.

The harmful effects of the Newhall Ranch Project are expected to extend out to the greater Santa Clarita Valley as well as to the native plants and animals that depend on the Santa Clara River habitat for survival.

Eli Branden
Santa Clarita


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