My Hearing Centers opens in Valencia

Claudia Flores prepares margaritas at the Strawberry Tequila Festival at Central Park on Saturday. Samie Gebers/The Signal

My Hearing Centers, the largest independent hearing care provider in the western United States with nearly 100 offices in 10 states, opened Jan. 2 in Valencia.

The Santa Clarita Valley office, located at 27201 Tourney Rd., Ste. 123, will be managed by Kesia Pitt, H.A.D. and staffed by Patient Care Coordinator Connie Johnson.

“At a time when Americans are living longer, the need for hearing aids will continue to grow,” Pitt said in a news release. “Recent estimates indicate that about 20 percent of Americans, or 48 million people, have reported some type of hearing loss. Among those who are 65 years old, one in three suffers from hearing loss. Even so, hearing loss doesn’t just impact older Americans. Some 15 percent of school children between ages 6 and 19 also have some degree of hearing loss.”

Pitt added, “One of the immediate effects of hearing loss is that individuals immediately become more isolated, and tend to withdraw socially. Recent studies have shown that there is a direct correlation between these factors and anxiety, depression, dementia, stroke, heart attack and even Alzheimer’s. One study even suggested that a minimal hearing loss left untreated could double the chance of a person getting dementia, and another study revealed that individuals were actually losing brain mass because they weren’t treating this condition. So, hearing loss involves much more than just turning up the volume on the TV or asking people to repeat themselves. In fact, treating hearing loss is about improving the quality of an individual’s life, and in some cases, even lengthening that life.”

My Hearing Centers in Valencia will be open from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Pitt will also work out of the My Hearing Centers’ office in Porter Ranch near Northridge.

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