John Kiernan: Everybody chip in

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
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As we approach Earth Day, many of us will go out on our once a year trek to make our environment a better place to live and to make us feel good. We have an amazing city; take it from someone who has lived in over 15 cities. Our green spaces, some narrowly escaping the fate of garbage dumps, are some of the most enchanting places one can go.

I have a challenge and suggestion. Every time our families, our friends go hiking we impact the environment. How about taking two pieces of garbage out with you every time you go, we need to steward our own wonderful-and that is the perfect word-wonderful, open spaces.

Gum wrappers, bottles, glass, cans sadly can be found all over and not just on April 22. So make a commitment to your green space surroundings and be a good shepherd of our land every day. Make an extra commitment when you hike. Know even on the most pristine hike you take that you impact the environment. You will help the animals, flowers, fauna, the environment and help beautify an already beautiful area.

John Kiernan

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