Ever hear the story of several blind persons describing an elephant? (Their descriptions depended upon what part of the elephant they each touched so, therefore, descriptions differed greatly).
I attended the May 8 meeting (city council meeting on SB 54) from 6pm-9pm so when did the Signal Editorial Board base their opinion of a “dark hour”? I certainly did not observe that.
Why would anyone expect hundreds of citizens with diverse opinions not to show some reaction both pro and con? I was in both rooms that evening due to availability of seating, sight, & sound.
Laurene Weste was very fair to any speaker who was interrupted. After giving extra clock-time, it seemed to me that interruptions were greatly decreased.
I suspect that this might have been a “first” City Council meeting for a majority of attendees so I hope they will come out again on other future matters when they will understand expected behavior.
Glenda Johnson