Read more about the article Business leaders, WiSH to inspire young businesswomen in community
Guests will have a chance to chat with Dr. Dianne Van Hook, Chancellor of College of the Canyons, during the first hour of Tuesday’s catered event before the first speaker of the night takes to the stage for her speech. Courtesy image.

Business leaders, WiSH to inspire young businesswomen in community

Three prominent local leaders hope to inspire the next generation of business leaders at Tuesday’s “Women and Girls in Business…Inspiration for the Future” forum, an inaugural event for the Santa…

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Read more about the article Roger Gitlin: Remembering Deputy Dave March
The story of Deputy David March, a Santa Clarita Valley resident killed in the line of duty, is one of nine stories shared by former L.A. County District Attorney Steve Cooley, in his recent released book, "Blue Lives Matter."

Roger Gitlin: Remembering Deputy Dave March

April 29 marked the 16th anniversary of the murder of Santa Clarita native son and Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff, Dave March. As the drumbeat of the years slowly ebbs…

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