Victor Lindenheim’s op-ed (Sept. 22) “For Our Roads, Vote ‘No’ on Prop. 6,” only shared part of the story. Here’s the whole truth about Senate Bill 1 and Proposition 6.
• SB 1, the $52 billion gas and car tax, violated Gov. Brown’s pledge to allow the people to vote on any tax increase.
• SB 1 diverts 30 percent of the new tax to other programs such as job training for felons.
• SB 1 limits the expansion of road capacity to only 5 percent.
Prop. 6 will cancel SB 1 and require the Legislature and governor to come up with a new, bipartisan plan that will have to be approved by the people.
Voting “Yes” on Prop. 6 will:
• Ensure that needed reform measures are in place so our tax money is spent more effectively and efficiently.
• Force the Legislature to craft a plan that is more transparent and accountable.
• Give the final approval to the people of California.
We all can agree that we need more and better roads. By voting “Yes” on Prop. 6 we can develop a bipartisan solution that benefits all Californians.
Vote “Yes” on Prop. 6.
Scott Wilk
Senator, 21st District