Friedman, Darga and Mick Take Top Awards in Art Classic

Best of Show, Gary Friedman, “TakeMeHomeSkippy.”

Gary Friedman won the Best of Show award with his watercolor “Take Me Home, Skippy” at the 29th annual Santa Clarita Artists Association Art Classic held Sept. 29 at William S. Hart Park in Newhall.

Other top awards went to Christopher Darga, who won the City of Santa Clarita award with his oil painting titled “Red,” and Jane Mick, who won the Masters award with her oil painting “Reverie.”

“This is the largest competitive fine art show in Santa Clarita,” said chairperson Dody Rogers.

The event showcased local artists and included live music, refreshments and a silent auction.

Art Classic winners will display and discuss methods and techniques used to create their art at the association meeting to be held Oct. 15.

They will also discuss what inspired them to craft their award-winning art.

For more information, contact Olga Kaczmar at (661) 254-5267 or visit

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