Hilmar Rosenast | Stop Running Endorsement Letters

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Recently you have published “letters to the editor” that in fact are nothing more than endorsements and voting solicitations for candidates seeking office. As a paying subscriber to your newspaper I find this totally inappropriate. By giving free advertising and promotion for candidates that I may agree or not agree with, it means that I am in fact paying for an endorsement of a political candidate I would never support! If your paper would be totally free, then you could do what you want. But since we pay for your paper, any political endorsement under the disguise of a letter to the editor is wrong. If they want to support and promote their candidate, they can buy space and make their case.

Hilmar Rosenast


Editor’s note: It is our policy to publish letters representing a diverse array of political opinions, and we plan to continue doing so. We believe that’s part of our responsibility as a community newspaper: to provide the most open forum possible for people to express their opinions.

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