John F. Grannis | Weste’s Many Accomplishments

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I write to support the re-election of Mayor Laurene Weste. In doing so, I ask all Santa Clarita voters to consider some of her many accomplishments:

Weste was a driving force behind the open space initiative. Since its passage, she has worked hard to identify and purchase open space acreage all around the SCV. She has also helped prevent development in environmentally sensitive areas. Result: The “green belt” envisioned by the open space initiative has come to fruition, ensuring that future generations will enjoy the same open spaces long after we are gone.

In addition, Weste has worked for establishment and extension of Santa Clarita’s wonderful trail system. She helped usher in the creation of Central Park. The city now has architectural standards and is beautifying many local streets and roads. Result: Santa Clarita is as beautiful within its city limits as are the open spaces outside those limits.

It once appeared that CEMEX would be allowed to mine in Soledad Canyon, threatening the environment and the health of local residents. Weste worked across party lines, with Sen. Barbara Boxer, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and our congressmen (Rep. Steve Knight and Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon before him) to stop the threat of any future mining by CEMEX. Result: The health and well-being of SCV residents has been protected, and the “green belt” can now be extended to make those protections permanent.

There also was a time when Santa Clarita was threatened by a dangerously unhealthy proposed development of the high ground in the middle of Santa Clarita. That threat is now gone, thanks in large part to the efforts of Weste. Result: The precious viewshed in the city center has been preserved, along with the health of local residents.

Old Town Newhall, Hart Park, the Cowboy Festival — these are just a few of the other community amenities with which Mayor Weste has been involved. She would be the first to say that she never could have accomplished so much without a lot of help from concerned citizens. There is no doubt, though, that Laurene Weste deserves credit for much of what makes Santa Clarita such a great place today. Result: I enthusiastically urge all SCV voters to re-elect Mayor Laurene Weste.

John F. Grannis


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