Rickey John Sandoval | Decorum Is a Two-Way Street

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

I wish to thank Mr. (Brian) Richards (letters, Nov. 11) for educating us “leftists” (I am a southpaw) with the adult way to accept defeat and the proper way to act in general. I couldn’t agree more! Decorum, humility and most of all acceptance are all tenets my parents and faith have taught me throughout my life.

I am so glad that none of the “rightists” from the federal level on down have claimed voter fraud on constitutionally mandated recounts or want to exclude military ballots from overseas that have until Saturday to arrive and be counted. That would be horrific and could never happen in our democratic republic!

We need to lay down our respective pitchforks and torches and work together to find our respective commonality, our shared humanity and the love we share for our families.

Then and only then can this toxic tribalism be put to rest and we can be unified as a community. Hopefully, that can bring out the best in all of us. To God’s ears and maybe our hearts…

Rickey John Sandoval


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