Dennis Fitzgerald | President Trump Is Thinking Wishfully and Calling it Quits Without Finishing the Job

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

The President announces the war is over — we won. Last time it was the first President Bush and that proved to be wishful thinking.

This time it is President Trump and there doesn’t seem to be much thinking involved.

The suggested removal of troops must be terrifying for the Kurdish people who will be fearing another attack from Turkey.

The ideas involved may be too difficult for President Trump to understand so some sports models may clarify what could be a deadly event for some. If you are playing well against an enthusiastic but weaker team and think the game is over, so you leave at three-quarter time. 

The other team will keep going and certainly win in the long run. You have to keep playing or you will eventually lose.

Tweeting a win is not the same as actually winning. Get back into the “game” and finish everything.

Dennis Fitzgerald, Melbourne Australia

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