Betty Arenson | Horton Jumps to Wrong Conclusion

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Gary Horton belittled an earlier published commentary about a particular young boy and an evil group called North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), an active pedophilia group. The original story is sickening but true, and as rotten and abominable as it is, the organization does exist.

Rather than focus on the loathsome group and the group’s genuine twisted and vile existence, he was more disturbed that the commentary pointed out that the scenario was publicly aired on ABC. With that, Horton leaped to the conclusion that the topic was being laid at the feet of “progressivism.” 

No such statement was made by the author, thus his conclusion is quite telling.

Horton took a swipe at the entire (lineup of) Signal Saturday Right Here Right Now columnists, calling it the “reactionary crowd.”

It’s ironic that a critic who chose to react with an entire commentary would state the other guy is of the reactionary crowd.

Well, all things considered, not really.

Betty Arenson


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