With all the emotional triggers appearing in the press for the thousands of “immigrants” heading for our border, let’s not overlook the DDT threats: Drugs, Disease and Terrorists.
1. DRUGS: U.S. Border Patrol reported that in three days, Jan. 16-18, they confiscated 1,352 pounds of marijuana and 705 pounds of cocaine.
2. DISEASE: Just since Dec. 22, 2018, Border Patrol transported 2,224 subjects to local hospitals. On Jan. 15, Border Patrol arrested 247 migrants and found 50 needed immediate hospital attention.
Many migrants are found to have tuberculosis, parasites or the flu. Last month an outbreak of Legionnaires Disease was found in detainees at Antelope Wells, New Mexico.
A border state doctor warns that migrants are bringing infectious diseases to the U.S., including drug-resistant strands of tuberculosis, dengue and chikungunya. Venezuelans fleeing their country are reported to be spreading malaria, yellow fever and diphtheria.
3.TERRORISTS: Special Interest Aliens (SIA) are known to be joining migrant caravans. Panamanian officials report “tens of thousands” of SIAs have entered Panama since 2014 and were heading north.
In Laredo, Texas, Border Patrol agents report a 300 percent increase in illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, well known as a recruiting ground for ISIS.
Colombian officials report hundreds from countries like Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Somalia, India and Eritrea have been detained while headed for the United States.
Guatemala’s president announced Oct. 11 that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended there.
We need to stop the hysteria of calling border barriers “immoral” and “inhuman.” These DDT threats are embedded in migrant caravans. Border control can best be enhanced by barriers AND more immigration judges, rapid vetting and application of high-tech surveillance. There are many deserving migrants, but the DDT threats must not be minimized or overlooked.
Albert Bigelow, Valencia