I have long admired Joshua Heath’s excellent writing. However, his latest piece, “The Importance of Norms, Plus the Rule of Law” (March 26), is for me, a sad exception.
The Russian collusion/conspiracy theory has been proven by Robert Mueller’s two-year investigation, as far as Trump and his Cabinet, to be wrong. Dead. Wrong.
“Our justice system could prove to the American people that we have a felon in the Oval Office.” OK, Joshua, anything’s possible. And by tomorrow, next month, next year, years from now, you might just be proven right.
Here’s a real ring dinger:
“When it comes to the notion of an immigration crisis, there is none.”
This is absolutely false and wrong as wrong can be. Our borders and immigration system, by all reports, are clearly and incredibly swamped by hundreds of thousands of people who wish to run over our border unimpeded. Our domestic systems are clearly overloaded and overwhelmed with the numbers already here, with hundreds of thousands pressing our borders and huge immigrant caravans on their way.
“Journalists must be treated as credible professionals.”
Those who are, yes.
Finally, “power doesn’t belong to the bureaucrats.”
Trump’s 2016 election proved once again, the power actually lies in the hands of the people.
These are powerful, meaningful words.
Sean Mclaughlin
Santa Clarita