Animal shelters to offer discounted adoptions

Dogs at the Castaic Animal Care Center await to find new owners on "Clear the Shelter" day on Saturday, August 19, 2017. Christian Monterrosa/The Signal

In an effort to “Clear the Shelters,” all of the Los Angeles County Department of Animal Care and Control’s animal care centers will offer discounted adoptions this weekend, including at their Castaic location.

The department has partnered with NBC and Telemundo stations across the country for this annual event, which aims to reduce the number of euthanized animals by helping more people adopt instead of purchase pets.

Of the approximately 6.5 million animals that enter shelters nationwide every year, an estimated 1.5 million of those are euthanized, according to The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Each center is expected to offer $20 adoption fees for dogs and cats, which includes microchip and spay or neuter fees, as well as $5 adoption fees for rabbits.

Clear the Shelters is scheduled 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 17, at all seven Los Angeles County shelters. The Castaic Animal Care Center is located at 31044 North Charlie Canyon Road in Castaic. For more information, visit or call 661-257-3191.

Oliver, a 10 year old male grey and white domestic short-haired, rubs his face on the corner of the windowsill at the Castaic Animal Shelter. Cory Rubin/The Signal

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