Mark Hershey | Boston Is Right About Smith

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

John Boston is right. Christy Smith will not responsibly serve her constituents in the 25th District. She is beholden to the Democratic Party and she follows the marching orders of the senior Democrat politicians including voting exactly how they tell her.

Look at her record. She voted for $10 billion electricity tax on ratepayers to bail out PG&E, $1.7 billion in new taxes on small businesses, new 9-1-1 tax, and $695 fine on every person who does not have health care — thus prompting a “D” grade from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.

Smith initiated and pushed legislation to close down charter schools. The charter schools I know successfully teach and graduate students that public schools cannot educate and she supports broad-stroke laws that negatively affect many people. Christy tells us what she thinks we want to hear and then votes as she’s ordered. 

It’s a Brave New World.

Less than one year ago, Smith told reporters that her goal was to be California’s superintendent of Public Education. Now she jumps at the opportunity to fill the congressional seat of her friend Katie Hill within days after Hill “resigned” in pure disgrace. The two of them coordinated their campaigns and claimed to have similar views; please, voters, CA25 does not need another Katie Hill. We do not need another puppet for Nancy Pelosi, whom by the way, immediately boasted the great qualities of Smith, as if she knows her.

Christy Smith has no commitment to the people of her district as demonstrated by her willingness to abandon her California Assembly position after only eight months of service. Her desire is not to be a public servant, but to be a professional politician and advance as high as she can climb.

No thank you. 

Mark Hershey


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