As a retired Santa Clarita Valley educator, I am so tired of hearing the Mike Garcia commercials and seeing written material that mischaracterizes Christy Smith’s commitment to education. Although the “fighter pilot” can deny culpability for this because it is sponsored by the National Republican Congressional Committee, he knows they are spreading lies about a devoted public servant and could disavow these communications. If only all politicians could take responsibility for their actions, act like adults and run honest campaigns. It doesn’t seem like too much to ask from our leaders.
I know Christy personally and know how much she cares about children and public education. After graduating from Hart High School, she attended College of the Canyons and then graduated with honors from UCLA. Those institutions are all local public schools. Then she began her career in public service by working at the U.S. Department of Education. When she returned to the SCV to raise her daughters, who also attended local public schools, she became active in education as a PTA and site council member. At that time, she also founded the Valencia Valley Technological Education Foundation. Later, Christy served two terms as a governing board member and was board president of the highly successful Newhall School District. Not many other people have done as much for public education.
Assemblywoman Christy Smith is a 40-year resident of Santa Clarita who was called “passionate about public safety, education” by this very newspaper. She is endorsed by the National Education Association, who say they “know she will fight tirelessly for students and educators throughout the country, as she’s been a champion for them throughout her life.”
She is also endorsed by the California Federation of Teachers, who say, “Christy has been a champion for students, teachers, school employees, parents and local communities. Most importantly, Christy has worked tirelessly to ensure that local public schools are fully funded.”
An additional endorsement comes from the California School Employees Association, who say, “We know Christy will make the 25th District proud by working to invest in public-school classrooms to improve educational opportunities for every child in this country.”
Christy Smith has been an outspoken advocate for our schools, and has fought for more resources for local classrooms. In her first year in office, she authored a law making it easier for college students to use ScholarShare savings accounts to pay for educational expenses like rent and textbooks. She also enacted groundbreaking rules protecting high school students from sexual harassment, and ensured that high schools post reporting procedures and harassment policies.
What has Mike Garcia done for public education? Why is there nothing on his website about education? Who will continue to fight tirelessly for the education of all children in the United States?
The answer is clear. Christy Smith for U.S. Congress! Please mark your ballots and mail them in.
Jody Liss-Monteleone