Max Morgan | Lois, Try Some Bipartisanship

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

In her latest bi-weekly rant on the evil Donald Trump (May 9) and obstructionist Republicans, Lois Eisenberg would have us believe that a majority of Republican politicians were adamantly opposed to many of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal programs that helped to lift the U.S. out of the Great Depression. As with Adam Schiff and the Democrats’ two-year-long Russian collusion conspiracy false narrative, it’s important to separate fantasy from the facts.

Fact: A majority of House and Senate Republicans voted for the Social Security Act.

Fact: The creation of the Public Works Administration, which created millions of jobs for unemployed Depression-era Americans, was supported by the Republican head of the Department of the Interior.

Fact: Many members of the Republican Party during the Depression era gave their support to the formation of the National Labor Relations Act, which gave American workers the right to join unions and to secure better hours and working conditions.

It was bipartisan legislation that gave hope and economic security to millions of Americans, that helped to bring an end to the Great Depression under FDR. I would hope that Lois Eisenberg practice some bipartisanship, rather than unfounded assertions, to foster some hope and optimism during our current economic downturn.

Max Morgan


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