Unwanted accounts, check your tone, ambient music

Sunday Signal

By Kim Komando, Signal Contributing Writer

There are about 1.8 billion operational websites, according to Internet Live Stats. But far too many sites are junk, so we tend only to frequent our favorites. That’s why Kim shares bookmark-worthy sites for knowledge, usefulness or just for fun every week.

A better way to delete 

Are you suffering from digital overload? Keeping up with all the emails, tweets, Facebook posts, news updates and notifications can make your head spin — especially if those notifications are from unwanted accounts.

And you know by now, the more online accounts you have, the more at risk you are when hackers come calling. With a new breach around every corner, your usernames and passwords just aren’t safe.

That’s where JustDelete.Me comes in. The site has a directory of links to get rid of hundreds of various accounts.

Sites are color-coded by difficulty. Green is easy, red is hard, and black is impossible. Click on the top name is the colored box to be redirected to the section of that site that lets you delete your accounts.

If you need to remove yourself from a “hard” or “impossible” site, click on Show Info. There you will see specific instructions on how to get yourself removed.

Now, time to get deleting at bit.ly/2XOIFOE.

Find out if you’re tone-deaf

Do the cats yowling on the back-fence sound better than your rendition of “Somewhere over the Rainbow?” Let science be your no-judgment zone. Researchers at Harvard University are studying how our minds interpret what we hear.

The Music Lab is an online quiz that accurately tests musical skills in about 10 minutes. Grab a pair of headphones and answer questions about the sounds you hear. First, you’ll decide which sounds are loudest to calibrate your speakers. Then the tough part begins, that is, deciding whether you hear a pitch that is higher or lower than the sound before it.

Visit the following link to take the test, themusiclab.org/quizzes/td.

Fun with the numbers

I use this site when it’s someone’s birthday to give the celebrator some fun facts about his or her life so far. It’s always a conversation starter.

Try it for yourself. At Life Stats, enter your date of birth and you instantly see the number of times your heart has beaten, how many days you have spent asleep (it’s a lot!), what a dollar was worth when you were born and more facts including life expectancy statistics.

Check out the numbers fun at neal.fun/life-stats.

Cook based on your fridge 

Right now, most of us are stocking up on groceries to avoid going back to the store every few days. This makes it difficult to whip up fun new recipes.

If you’re stuck in a rut, you’re going to love MyFridgeFood. Check off the items in your fridge and pantry, and find recipes based on what you have on-hand.

Take our measly selection: bacon, barbecue sauce, cheddar cheese, chicken breast, green peppers, pasta, rice, potatoes and oil. 

For more info, visit myfridgefood.com.

For information on Kim Komando on today’s digital lifestyle, from smartphones and tablets to online privacy and data hacks, visit her at Komando.com. 

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