“Back to School” has many different meanings this August as we navigate through unprecedented times. In our community, and across our nation, individuals are working hard to determine the safest path for continuing education, whether that be in-person, remotely or a combination of both. Some parents are also electing to homeschool their children for the foreseeable future. However school will look for students this year, the Santa Clarita Public Library is making sure that each of them has the tools, resources and support needed to succeed.
With a library card, you gain access to countless free materials that the Santa Clarita Public Library offers. A library card allows residents to take advantage of 24/7 library lockers to pick up items on hold while also giving access to the eLibrary, free printing service, student resources, career resources and much more. Free library cards are issued at SantaClaritaLibrary.com or by submitting a request to [email protected]. If you haven’t done so. get your library card today!
For students, the best place to start (with your library card number ready) is SantaClaritaLibrary.com/eLibrary. From the eLibrary homepage, students can easily browse eBook and audiobook options for educational and leisure purposes. Residents may download up to 10 eBooks or audiobooks at one time via the free Overdrive app that can be downloaded from the Apple or Google Play app store. On the eLibrary homepage, students will find access to music, articles and databases, videos and digital magazines. Of these available services, students are encouraged to frequent the articles and databases section, where they’ll find recommendations for homework help, subject-specific databases, test preparation links, language support and much more.
The amazing team at the Santa Clarita Public Library has put together resource recommendations from the eLibrary that every student will find beneficial, whether learning in person, remotely or via homeschooling. HelpNow provides homework help with live tutors, skills building, personalized eLearning tools, a 24-hour writing lab, foreign language lab, Spanish speaking support and more! Other important resources include the Biography Reference Center, the Gale Virtual Reference Library, Learning Express, Explora for Students and the Parent-Teacher Resource Center. Many of the available resources offer support for students in elementary school to middle school, high school and even college. The Parent-Teacher Resource Center will prove to be very useful now that many parents are tasked with homeschooling.
The center offers a collection of study kits, teaching lesson plans, student workbooks, Common Core Standards support and other material to aid parents through these challenging times. Learn more about the Parent-Teacher Resource Center and request materials at Kids.SantaClaritaLibrary.com/Homeschoolers/Parent-Teacher-Resource-Center-Collection.
Learning can and will continue for students of all ages despite the tough times our nation is facing. The Santa Clarita Public Library is doing an excellent job of preparing and offering materials and resources that support students through various types of learning transitions. As a reminder, SantaClaritaLibrary.com will lead you to every “back-to-school” resource needed. If you have any questions about the tools and materials offered, the library is always available at [email protected].
Marsha McLean is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at [email protected].