At the time of this writing, 96 days have passed since news broke Russians put bounties on our soldiers and President Donald Trump did nothing. I’m heartbroken for our country because we have a president who refuses to pay his respects to our troops. I’m heartbroken for our community because we have a congressman who fails to stand up to our president.
For me, protecting my fellow Americans through military service is in my blood. My father and brother both served, and my son is an officer in the Army. My service took me all over the globe, including Operation Iraqi Freedom. My time in the military was the honor of my life, and I don my veteran status with immense pride.
As a combat veteran, I understand the sacrifice and bravery Rep. Mike Garcia exemplified during his time in the military, and am grateful for his service. However, Garcia’s failures to voice opposition to the president’s grating words and commitment to take our health care and earned benefits away makes him a poor choice for the 25th District.
Serving in the military is nonpartisan and standing up for veterans should be, too. Mike Garcia’s silence on this is reprehensible and perhaps the most glaring evidence of where his loyalties lie as a congressman.
Christy Smith is the advocate the veterans’ community needs to represent us in Washington and cares and respects our active, reserve and Guard soldiers. She understands our needs post-deployment and recognizes the importance of bolstering the government resources we rely on and were promised to us at the outset of our service. As our representative, Christy will defend Medicare and Medicaid, commit to improving the Veterans Administration and lowering the cost of prescription drugs. She will leverage all possible resources from nonprofits and convene local, state and federal government entities to care for our service members, veterans and their families.
Veterans have proven our love for our country through our service, and we deserve to return to a country that loves us back. Christy Smith is the proven leader to deliver the support we deserve.
Col. Julian Bond (Ret.)