Betty Arenson | All Other Names Aside, It’s Really the Convenient Virus

SCV Voices: Guest Commentary
SCV Voices: Guest Commentary

It’s the Chinese virus. It’s the coronavirus. It’s the more-specific COVID-19 virus. Factually it ended up being the Convenient Virus; very convenient for anti-America bodies. 

As it turns out it is also a very smart, discriminatory virus as well. It only raged through hair and nail salons — with the exception of Nancy Pelosi’s salon. Ditto for Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. Churches, schools, parks, wineries — except Gov. Gavin Newsom’s Plumpjack Winery — and gatherings for graduations, weddings and funerals. 

The Convenient Virus never touched the massive crowds of looters, thieves, dangerous rioters destroying cities around the country, the occupiers of CHAZ/CHOP in Seattle or the 160-day-plus rioters in Portland Oregon. Recently the virus stayed clear of the shoulder-to-shoulder celebration of the Lakers’ championship in downtown Los Angeles and the same thronging at the jubilee for the L.A. Dodgers’ World Series win in Arlington, Texas.

The country was mostly obedient and compliant with the first shutdown that was believed to be over in June 2020. Then it bled into the summer. Frustrations grew and few had a thought of it going into locking down the schools in September, into our Thanksgiving and clearly now, Christmas. Some wizards are saying the restrictions will go into late 2021. Revolution anyone?

The virus has been very convenient for China in their fervid quest to overcome the United States in military and economic power. Whether the “escape” of the virus from the Wuhan lab was accidental or intended is unknown, but China certainly did not immediately notify the world or take steps to limit the spread.

Appearances are the convenience spread to the political arena. It became a weapon for banter against the Trump administration complete with bold-faced lies. 

More locally, California’s “leadership” still runs amok with insane dictates that border on, if not breach, constitutional rights. Newsom tells us to put our masks on between bites of food; forbids Bible study in private homes, determines how many people of designated relationships we can have in our homes for Thanksgiving dinner, and so on. No one with a pebble of brains calls that freedom in America.

Enter the omnipotent Barbara Ferrer; the L.A. County health director and non-medical doctor at that. It’s challenging to equate her claim as a former “chief strategy officer for the W.K. Kellogg Foundation…developing strategic direction for…” To date, Ferrer’s only strategy is the blanket “close it down.” She maintains a parochial view while apparently being incapable of ruminating on the variances of communities, etc., and designing reasonable plans for opening up accordingly. That deficiency fails to diminish the unrestrained power Ferrer wields.

The convenient ensuing residue from bringing down the best economy in the world to its knees is monumentally misunderstood; or is it simply being conveniently ignored? Forty-year-old family businesses starved into obsolescence; newer businesses eradicated along with personal lifetime savings and American dreams.  

Have you noticed that all of the dictators and potentates are still receiving their steady, healthy paychecks, all paid by suffering taxpayers? How long will it take for the majority to get the message that your devastation does not matter to them?

There should be no question that COVID-19 is to be taken seriously as any spreading disease. However, there are limits to reasonableness, or should that be unreasonableness? There are obvious indicators spurring people to question the present environment thrust upon us.

The touted approximate 233,000 deaths in the U.S. is an artificial number. Why? Because irrespective of the principal cause of death like stage-4 lung cancer, leukemia, heart condition, etc,; the death is coded to COVID-19. This is confirmed by the Illinois Director of Public Health, Ngozi O. Ezike. On video she confirmed that all deaths will be assigned as a coronavirus death even if it is “clear” the death was from another primary source. This is the practice beyond Illinois.

Diagnosed COVID-19 cases yield more money (from the federal government) for hospitals. This has also upwardly skewed the virus numbers. Centers for Disease Control Director Dr. Robert Redfield of the Coronavirus Task Force testified before Congress the recognition of financial incentives can give way to ill-begotten financial gain.  

Incessant virus rates are a sole distraction to the incalculable, sequential damages of divorce, domestic abuse, child abuse, lost family homes, substance abuse, increased suicide rates, and stunted children’s mental, emotional and psychological growth with the absence of school and social settings. All of this and so much more. Shame on you tyrannical overlords.

Fear tactics exist with the perpetual cries of new and more infection rates. Of course! More tests are being done to find them. Have you noticed that no data is quoted as to the accompanying diminished health factors or the stage level of the individuals? There is absolutely no positive data imparted to give people hope. 

The CDC provides the following data of estimates, stated as the percentage of all those infected (symptomatic and asymptomatic) who are surviving:

0-19 years: 99.997%.

20-49 years: 99.98%.

50-69 years: 99.5%.

70-79 years: 94.6%.

80-plus not included

Look at the survival rates again and consider the omnipresent infection numbers cited daily. In summary, we are all being manipulated like helpless puppets. 

Now, about that revolution: When will you be fed up?

Betty Arenson is a Santa Clarita resident. “Right Here, Right Now” appears Saturdays, and rotates among local Republicans.

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