Rob Kerchner | Desperation of Democrats

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor
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Editor’s note: The following letter was not received before our deadline for election letters, so it was held until after the election.

Could Democrats and their media possibly come up with any more calumnies to level against our president? He’s been variously called sexist, racist, Nazi, dictator, hater, idiot, liar, dangerous, warmonger, dictator-loving pacifist, corrupt, drugged, foreign stooge, mob boss, mocker of the handicapped, cager of the children, puppet, fascist, biological terrorist, riot monger, protest suppressor, overweight and unhealthy, overactive and overworking, infirmed and about to die, dangerously driving around waving to crowds, child threatening, traitor, citizen-killer, blabbermouth, secretive, rapist, misogynist, xenophobic, thief, tax cheat, earth-killer, overly rich oligarch and utterly failed businessman. According to Democrats, he’s the worst person in the entire country, 1 in 330 million, and yet he’s president. What are the odds? 

At a certain point, this list is so relentless and ridiculous it’s clear nobody really believes it… but Democrats WANT to. Indeed… they NEED to. And this bespeaks three important things: They have nothing positive to offer, they’re shrill beyond belief, and despite their media’s polling, they’re acting desperate.

Rob Kerchner


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