As a 15-year-old sophomore, I would like to give my perspective on how this pandemic has affected my friends and myself. At the beginning of 2020 when we were first made aware about the coronavirus, I initially thought it would quickly pass and we wouldn’t have the outcome we have today. As we progressed though 2020 with continued lockdowns, I was shocked to find out that my school closed and we transitioned to “distance learning.”
Sitting at my dining room table attending a class on Zoom just wasn’t the same as being in class. I couldn’t interact with my friends, teachers or play on the school soccer team or my club team because all sports fields had closed. This was the hardest part for me — soccer is my passion and I’m not happy that we can’t play, even today.
I have never seen anything like this in my life. Masks and social distancing were all foreign to me a year ago, but are now the norm. I would like nothing more than to get back to normal, but when that does happen, what will normal be like?
Nicholas Dino
Canyon Country