It was refreshing to read Rep. Mike Garcia’s column in the Signal (Jan. 30). His respectful, measured explanation of his position, in rebuttal to the many hateful letters to the editor in recent editions, presented a sharp contrast to what appears to be an organized letter-writing campaign by the opposition. Those letters calling for his resignation all used similar mean-spirited language to denounce his objection to some electoral votes in the 2020 election.
The letter writers as well as some Signal columnists might be unaware that challenging electoral votes after a presidential election has become a common practice in Congress. Democrats have mounted such challenges after the 2000, 2004 and 2016 elections. In 2016, President Donald Trump’s electoral votes were challenged in the House of Representatives by Democrats Sheila Jackson Lee, of Texas, Jamie Raskin (Maryland), James McGovern (Massachusetts) and several other Democrats. Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-California, led the objection to George W. Bush’s electoral college victory in 2004.
Rep. Garcia was doing his constitutional duty, representing his constituents, by questioning the legality of votes that may have been subject to fraud. Those who condemn him now for doing the right thing merely demonstrate their hypocrisy. Thank you, Rep. Garcia, for your dignified response.
Jim Blumel
Santa Clarita