Betty Arenson | A Commission Would Be Useless

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Columnist Gary Horton and letter writer Stephanie Green have some angst concerning Rep. Mike Garcia’s vote to not appoint a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 chaotic event at the Capitol, the one such minds love to keep calling the “insurrection.”

“Commission” is simply a fancy word for “committee.” We all know what it means to have another governmental committee; nothing timely or positive ever results. To the specific point of voting “NO” on such a commission, the inference by the complainants is that there’s something to hide and/or every avenue to investigate is dead. Not true.

Nancy Pelosi, neither estopped nor crippled, has four options: 1) Present a chance for another Senate vote; 2) Appoint a new select committee; 3) Give the task to a single committee like the House Homeland Security panel; or 4) Have any committee go forth with the investigations already going on. 

We’re approaching five months post-chaos and so far the only solid acts have been to hide the name of the Capitol police officer who shot an unarmed woman in the face at close range then (basically) declare him faultless. That so-called investigation was cloak-and-dagger with zero transparency.

With the plethora of resources available to have a real investigation into this event, it is telling that after all of this time, the only publicized messages are the handy, themed conjectures and the convenient miss-truths. Another commission or committee will not solve the problem; only an honest investigation will.

There will be no need for anyone to hold their breath.

Betty Arenson


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