SCV Senior Center honored for innovative older adult programming during pandemic

The SCV Senior Center at Bella Vida has received a 2021 Programs of Excellence Award from the National Council on Aging National Institute of Senior Centers, which is honoring the outstanding work of senior centers during the pandemic. Courtesy photo

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, older adults visited the SCV Senior Center at Bella Vida every day to connect with friends, learn something new, discover how to stay healthy, give back to their community, and more. Over the past year, the center has been tasked with also keeping their older members safe and helping them access food and supplies.  

The National Council on Aging National Institute of Senior Centers is honoring the outstanding work of senior centers during the pandemic with the 2021 Programs of Excellence Awards. SCV Senior Center is one of 15 programs receiving recognition for innovative, creative and replicable programs for older adults.  

The Bella Vida SCV Senior Center’s drive-thru lunch program has entertained seniors with weekly themes and music.  Courtesy photo

SCV Senior Center is receiving the award for special events. It converted the SCV Senior Center at Bella Vida from a parking lot into a party lot, enriching the well-being of older adults.  The Senior Center’s drive thru lunch program has entertained seniors with weekly themes and music. The monthly weekend events have included concerts, comedy shows, drive-in movies, bingo and much more. The Senior Center has put on more than 40 outdoor “drive-in” events. 

The Programs of Excellence are chosen by a national committee of senior center professionals.  

The Bella Vida SCV Senior Center has put on more than 40 outdoor “drive-in” events in its parking lot, including bingo, movies and concerts. Courtesy photo

“The SCV Senior Center is an important destination for older adults in Santa Clarita, and we work hard to keep our programs accessible to our members throughout the pandemic,” said CEO Kevin MacDonald. “We are honored to receive a Programs of Excellence Award, and hope that other senior centers across the country will be able to replicate our ‘Party Lot’ events to benefit their members.”   

For more information about the SCV Senior Center and its programs for older adults, visit To learn more about NISC, visit

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