Guy Horanberg | Do ‘Speed Cushions’ Work?

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Speed Cushions: The Santa Clarita traffic office is surveying views on “speed cushions” (euphemism for speed bumps) to be placed on Catala Avenue in Saugus. We actually get to vote on their installation, which includes a $100 per household cost for 10 years if installed. What people may not realize is how they are artificially changing the traffic patterns of the whole community. 

Many months ago, Pamplico Drive had 10 bumps installed. It didn’t take long for traffic on Catala to substantially increase from those avoiding the Pamplico bumps. The Catala flow restrictions will have the same effect of driving most traffic to divert to Garza Drive, which will most likely prompt even more bumps. Residents who do not vote will be counted as a YES vote for speed bumps. Interestingly, in the city’s own survey they state that these “cushions” will impact our ability to park on the street, increase noise levels, impact emergency response time, and impact the effectiveness of street sweeping operations. My neighbors even believe property values will decrease as cushions spread throughout our community. 

Pamplico residents were not asked to pay for their bumps. Cul de sacs (Melodi Lane and Onlee Avenue) who drive Catala to leave the area will be directly affected but do not get to vote on the project. The city also excludes the fact that once bumps are in, the ability to resurface the street becomes much more difficult. I’m sure over time vehicle alignment problems will start to appear. Some effect on trash pickup. Coffee in cup holders goes all over the place. If the federal government said, “For everyone who does not vote, a ‘YES’ vote will be submitted in their name,” you would have riots in the streets. 

Speed on Pamplico has slowed down so that the electronic speed sensing sign does not indicate anything. Give the sign to us on Catala. 

Guy Horanberg 


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