Arthur Saginian | Suzanne Pens Brilliant Column

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

This morning’s article by Patricia Suzanne (Oct. 2) was brilliant, simply brilliant. Although Ms. Suzanne is a Republican and a conservative activist, she did not write from the standpoint of liberals versus conservatives or left versus right when establishing her case and holding her ground. She did not attack anyone who voted for Gov. Gavin Newsom or President Joe Biden. She did not get all political and partisan about COVID-19 and vaccinations. 

She did not lose her cool and get hysterical like some of those whose letters and columns have been published in The Signal. She did not try to shame people like some of those whose letters and columns have been published in The Signal. She did not stoop to offending and insulting, disparaging and ridiculing, and calling people things like “stupid.” No, she did none of those things while making her case. 

What did she do? She dared to question (OMG!), and yet the world and life as we know it did not come to an end. Imagine that.  

But to those of you writers who do stoop to such levels of what amounts to “playground bullying,” and I am absolutely certain you know those of whom I speak, I have only this to say: “Shame on YOU!”

Arthur Saginian
Santa Clarita

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